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“Permission Marketing” Webinar
March 17, 2021
Learn How to Turn Strangers into Friends & Grow your Business!
Watch Mariëtta Robbé Groskamp (Country Director Netherlands, Velti) discuss with Alexandra Wolfram (Senior Client Service Manager, Velti) how Permission Marketing improves customer satisfaction and conversion rates and how Velti’s Marketing Permission solution can help you to an execution excellence.
Find out how Velti turns customer data into revenues along the whole customer lifecycle and learn more from Catherine Karanikola, Softomotive Integration Legal Counsel at Microsoft, as she shares her expertise on the legal framework and the importance of GDPR so that a company acts fully compliant.
Webinar Presenters
Marietta Robbe Groskemp
Country Director, Netherlands
Alexandra Wolfram
Senior Client Service Manager
Catherine Karanikola
Softomotive Integration Legal Counsel @Microsoft